Sunday, 24 April 2011

Re-visiting 'Hami' by Bhupi Sherchan

'Hami' by Bhupi Sherchan was the Poem that our Nepalese teacher loved to recite again and again is still relevant today or even better fits these days into Nepalese society and politics. I stumbled this morning into it with a colleague of mine posting on FB. Well, I acknowledge the uses of FacebBook to some extend- while being appreciate. Hope you enjoy re-visiting 'Hami' by Bhupi Sherchan.....

हामी- by Bhupi Sherchan

हामी जतिसुकै माथि उठौं,
जतिसुकै यताउति दगुरौं,
जतिसुकै ठुलो स्वरमा गर्जौं
तर, हामी फगत् पानीको थोपा हौं
पानीका निर्वलिया थोपा
जो सूर्यद्वारा माथि उचालिन्छौं
र बादल बन्छौं,
हावाको इशारामा यताउति दगुर्छौं
र आफूलाई गतिशील भन्ठान्छौं,
अनि एक चोटि माथि पुगेपछि
हामी आफ्नो धरतीलाई बिर्सन्छौ
र आफ्नो धरतीलाई
बगरलाई उपेक्षापूर्वक
पालिएका कुकुर
झ्यालबाट गल्लीका कुकुरहरुलाई हेरेर भुलेझैँ
हामी भूक्तछौं
र आफ्नो कुकुर भुकाइलाई गर्जन भन्ठान्छौं
अनि अन्त्यमा एक दिन बर्सेर चकनाचुर हुन्छौं
र फेरि परिणत हुन्छौं पानीका थोपाहरुमा
निर्बलिया थोपाहरुमा
र कुनै इनार, खाडल वा पोखरीमा
कुहेर बिताउछौं बाँकी जीवन
टरे टरे टर्टराउने घिनलाग्दा भ्यागुताहरु पालेर,
बिष नभएका साँपहरु अँगालेर
हामी जतिसुकै माथि उठौ
जतिसुकैं यताउति दगुरौं
जतिसुकै ठुलो स्वरमा गर्जौ
तर, हामी भित्र-भित्रै खोक्रा छौं
हाम्रो उठाइको कुनै महत्व छैन,
हाम्रो दगुराइको कुनै लक्ष्य छैन,
हाम्रो गर्जनको
पानीमा फालिएको अगुल्टाको ‘छवाइयँ’ भन्दा बढी वजन छैन।
हामी बाहिरबाट जतिसुकै उच्च देखिए तापनि
भित्र-भित्र निरन्तर खिइँदै र घिस्सिँदै गइरहेका छौं
हाम्रो बाहिरको उचाइ झूटा हो,
भ्रम हो
अग्लो टाकुरामा उम्रिएका च्याउको उचाइभन्दा
यसको बढ्ता महत्व छैन
वा दुइटा अग्ला बाँस खुट्टामा बाँधेर हिँड्ने
भारतीय चटकेको उचाइभन्दा यसको बढी विशेषता छैन
अग्लो चुच्चे टोपी लगाई नाच्ने
सर्कसको जोकरको उचाइभन्दा यसको बढी विशेषता छैन
हामी बाहिरको उचाइमा रमेका छौ, लट्ठिएका छौं, फूलेका छौं
तर, हामीले आफ्नो आस्थाको द्वीपमा
निरन्तर खिइँदै र घिस्सिँदै गइरहेको कुरालाई भुलेका छौं
हीनतको सानो द्वीपमा पछारिएर
हामीले आफ्नो पूर्वस्मृति गुमाइसक्यौं
हामीले आफ्नो विगत उचाइलाई बिर्सिसक्यौं
हामीले मानिसको सामान्य उचाइलाई बिर्सिसक्यौं
हामीले मानिसको सामान्य उचाइलाई बिर्सिसक्यौं
त्यसैले जब कुनै सामान्य मानिस
कथामा वणिर्त ‘गुलिभर’ झै
आई पल्टन्छ हाम्रो आस्थाको द्वीपमा
हामी छक्क परेर उसलाई हेर्छौं
हामी उसलाई हेरेर छक्क पर्छौं
हामीलाई उसको उचाई देखेर आश्चर्य लाग्छ
हामीलाई आफ्नो पुड्काइ देखेर डर लाग्छ
र त हामी आफ्नो हीन चावनाका
सियो जत्रा स-साना हतियारहरुको उसमाथि
प्रहार गर्छौं
उसको अङ्ग-प्रत्यङ्गमा चढछौं
र अन्त्यमा थकित भएर तल ओर्लन्छौं
शान्त हुन्छौं
समर्पित हुन्छौं
र कुनै ठूलो चट्टानमाथि उर्लेर समुद्रको छालले
तर ओर्लेर त्यसको पाउ पखाले झैँ
हामी पुज्न थाल्दछौं त्यो साधरण मानवलाई
महान् भनेर
हामी बाहिरबाट जतिसुकै उच्च देखिए तापनि
भित्र-भित्रै निरन्तर खिइँदै गइरहेका छौं
हामी ‘लिलिपुट’ का मानव हौं।
हामी लघूमानव हौं।
हामी आफूखुशी कहिल्यै मिल्न नसक्ने
कसैले मिलाइदिनुपर्ने,
हामी आफुखुशी कहिल्यै छुट्टिन नसक्ने
कसैले छुट्टायाई दिनुपर्ने,
हामी आफू खुसी कहिल्यै अगाडि बढ्न नसक्ने
कसैले पछाडिबाट हिर्काउनुपर्ने, हिँडाउनुपर्ने
हामी रङ्ग-रोगन छुटेका,
टुटेका, फुटेका
पुरानो क्यारमबोर्डका गोटि हौं
एउटा मानोरञ्जक खेलका सामाग्री,
एउटा खेलाडीमाथि आश्रित,
आफ्नो गति हराएका
एउटा ‘स्ट्राइकर’ द्वारा सञ्चालित
हो, हामी मानिस कम र बढ्ता गोटी हौं।
हामी वीर छौं
तर बुद्धू छौं
हामी बुद्धू छौं
र त हामी वीर छौं
हामी बुद्धू नभइकन वीर कहिल्यै हुन सकेनौं
हामी महाभारतको कथामा वर्णित एकलव्य हौं
प्रत्येक पिँढीको द्रोणाचार्यले हामीलाई उपेक्षा गर्छ
इन्कार गर्छ मान्न हाम्रो योग्यतालाई,
र अस्तित्वलाई
तर, हामी तिनै द्रोणाचायैको मूर्ति बनाउँछौं
आफ्नो झुप्रो अगाडि,
त्यसलाई पुज्छौ
निरन्तर धनुर्विद्याको अभ्यास गर्छौं
र द्रोणचार्यका अन्य कुलीन
चेलाहरुभन्दा बढी कुशलता प्राप्त गर्छौं
तर, हाम्रो कुशलतादेखि आर्श्चर्यचकित
र भयभीत भई
प्रत्येक पिंढीमा द्रोणाचार्य हामीकहाँ आउँछ
र गुरु-दक्षिणा माग्छ
र हामी सहर्ष उसको इशारामा
आफ्नो बुढी औंला काटेर उसलाई भेटी दिन्छौं,
आफ्नो अस्तित्व मेटेर उसलाई समर्पित गछौं
र मक्ख पछौं आफ्नो गुरुभक्तिमाथि
आफ्नो आत्मशक्तिमाथि
त्यसैले हामी वीर त छौं
तर, बुद्वू छौं
हामी बुद्वू छौ
र त हामी वीर छौं
हामी बुद्वू नभइकन वीर कहिल्यै हुन सकेनौं
हामी कसैको मूर्ति स्थापना नगरीकन
वीर कहिल्यै हुन सकेनौं
हामी पाइतला हौं
केवल पाइतला
र फगत पाइतला
पाइतलाः जसको भरमा शरीर उभिन्छ
पाइतलाः जसको आधारमा शरीर हिँडछ
पाइतलाः तर जो भन्ठान्छ कि
शरीरले कृपा गरेर उसलाई पालिरहेछ
दया गरेर उसलाई सँग-सँगै हिँडाइरहेछ
मक्ख पर्छ शरीरको महान्तामाथि
र सधैँ सम्पूर्ण शरीरको भार सहन्छ
सधै शरीरको सबभन्दा तल रहन्छ
कहिल्यै शिर उचालेर माथि हेर्दैन
सधैँ-सधैँ नतमस्तक रहन्छ
हामी पाइतला हौ
हामी दौडमा प्रथम हुन्छौं
र हाम्रो निधारले टीका थाप्छ,
हामी दौडमा प्रथम हुन्छौं
र हाम्रो घाँटीले माला लाउँछ
हामी दौडमा प्रथम हुन्छौं
हाम्रो छातिले तक्मा टाँस्छ
हाम्रो टिका थाप्ने निधार अर्कै छ
हाम्रो माला लगाउने निधार अर्कै छ।
हाम्रो ताक्मा टाँस्ने छाती अर्कै छ,
हामी त फगत कसैको इसारामा
टेक्ने, हिँडने र दगुर्ने पाइतला हौं
केवल पाइतला
र फगत पाइतला।
हामी केही पनि होइनौं
र शायद त्यसैले केही हौं कि!
हामी कतै पनि, केही पनि छैनौं
र शायद त्यसैले कतै, केही छौं कि!
हामी बाँचिरहेका छैनौं
तर शायद त्यसैले पो बाँचेका छौं कि!
त्यसैले आओ ए शून्य पूजकहरु!
हामी सब मिलेर ढोगौं यो रिक्ततालाई
हाम्रो सब मिलेर ढोगौं यो रिक्ततालाई
हाम्रो अस्तित्वको यो देवतालाई।

Friday, 22 April 2011

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Nepal's most expensive schools

Nepal's most expensive schools
PREM DHAKAL (source Republica Daily)
KATHMANDU, March 5: Choosing the right school for one´s children is an onerous task of trying to strike a delicate balance between family budgetary constraints and the perceived quality of the school.

Being able to do away with budgetary limits may seem an utopian dream for most parents, but a select few have that luxury even in Nepal where some posh schools cater to their urge to give their children world class schooling. scanned a few schools at the high-end for the convenience of the affluent and many others who may like to know the cost of these schools just for the heck of it.

Lincoln School situated at Rabi Bhawan is the most expensive school in the Valley and also in Nepal. It charges US $ 450 for admission and US $ 3,000 as registration fee. It has annual fees of US $ 11,860 for class 1-5, US $ 13,200 for class 6-8 and US $ 14,700 for 9-12.

The British School at Sanepa, Lalitpur has divided students into key stages (Ks) and charges fees accordingly. It charges 125 pounds sterling as registration fee for all the stages. It further charges 1,575 pounds as capital development fee, 1,035 pounds as deposit and an annual tuition fee of 4,140 pounds, to be paid equally in four terms for Ks 1/2 (class 1-6).

Similarly, it bills 2,100 pounds as a capital development fee, 1,305 in deposit and an annual tuition fee of 5,220 for Ks 3/4 (class 7-11).

Kathmandu International Study Center (KISC) located at Dhobhighat, Kathmandu classifies students as mission and non-mission. Mission students bring recommendation letters from a church. KISC charges a capital levy of US $ 750 and a deposit of Rs 20,000.

Its fee structure is US $ 3,280 and US $ 3,812 in annual tuition fees for mission and non-mission students respectively at the primary level. Likewise, it charges annual tuition fees of US $ 4,600 and US $ 5,980 for mission and non-mission students respectively at secondary level.

Ullens School located at Khumaltar, Lalitpur is perhaps the most expensive secondary school run by Nepalis in Nepal. It charges a monthly fee of Rs 13,000 for the primary level while the admission fee is Rs 20,000 and security deposit Rs 30,000, in addition to an annual fee of Rs 8,000.
Malpi International School of Panauti, an exclusively residential school, charges a total of Rs 11,880 in monthly fee and admission fee of Rs 15,000 for class six through 10.

Rato Bangala School situated at Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur charges Rs 50,000 as admission fee, including Rs 25,000 in deposit, for all students from class 1-10. The primary level students are charged a monthly tuition fee of Rs 6,800 that includes lunch while the monthly fee for class six is Rs 7,150. The monthly fee for class 10 stands at Rs 7,400. The fee structure is being slightly revised soon to adjust for the education tax.

Suvatara School at Sanepa charges a monthly fee of Rs 5,005 for class 1 while admission fee and security deposit are Rs 10,000 each for students from class 1-10. The monthly fees for class 6 and 10 are Rs 5,330 and Rs 5,555 respectively. 

My comments:
Annual income of the people is around 300 dollar, and fee of the few schools are so high. similarly, the health facilities and other necessary things are so expensive, then how can it be possible to send our children into those schools...........Finally, Govermental school are the destinations for our children though their qualities are in doubt!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Happy Nepalese NEW YEAR 2068 B.S.


Sunday, 10 April 2011

(New) friends in Goettingen

Mr. Surya Prakash Rai, has arrived few weeks ago in Goettingen for the research project. He has come here from Finland. Presently he has been working at Max Planc Institute (MPI) Goettingen. He was born in Bhojpur, Nepal and completed his early studies from Sidhartha Banasthali (Nepal) in the beginning, and later from Pakistan. Then he arrived Finland to study M.Sc. in Neuroscience.

Similarly, Mr.Sanziv Maharjan had arrived here few months ago to study Agri business. Presently doing M.Sc. in Agribusiness. He has comple
ted his B.Sc. in agriculture science from Institute of Agriculture, Bhedetar (Lamjung)  + Rampur (Chitwan), Nepal. He deserves quite a good knowledge on agriscience in Nepal.

Similarly, another member of GöNeS, Sunita Ranabhat (Malla) will be starting her study, M.Sc. in Tropical and International Forestry (TIF) from tomorrow. She completed B. Sc. forestry from Institute of Forestry, Pokhara, Nepal. She has already published few articles in wellknown nepalese journals, such as BANKO JANAKARI.

We will like to extend our best wishes for all the success in their respective study and research. We are proud of their hard work, intelligence and sucess in their academic and professional career.