Tuesday 22 January 2008

Kehi Mitho Baat Gara............originally by Narayan Gopal...

This is the very popular song by NARAYAN GOPAL. He has been considered all time best singer in Nepal, popularly believed as the boyfriend of former Queen Aishwarya during their college time at Darjeeling, India. Afterward, this story were unsung but many time, Narayan Gopal sung the song written by Chadani Shah (Queen Aishwarya). "Euta Manchhe ko Mayale kati farak Pardachha jiunu ma" What a difference is made by the love of one person, was considered as she wrote in the memory of her love to Narayan Gopal. It has no strong proof but......

Kehi mitho Bat Gar (Talk about few sweet words) is the one of the best song by him. It is too difficult to sing since the word, feelings and expression on the song is too difficult to sing.

Aashajee, as the student of music, has been trying to imitate the all time master of music Narayan Gopal. She needs lots of improvement and dedication to the music if she thinks to work on the subject in future. We wish all the best to her.

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