Goettengeli Nepalese Samaj Condemned Bom blasts
3 September
Goettengeli Nepalese Samaj condemned triple bomb blasts occured simulateously yesterday at Kathmandu, Nepal. On 2th September, three bombs exploded at the heart of Kathmandu in public places. 2 people died and more than 3 dozens were seriously injured.

These bomb blasts are the terrorist activities who wants to foil the anticipated Constituent Assembly elections. Those who made it, are the barber, uncivilised, unhumanitarian and terror and th
ey should be punished at any costs. The Goettengeli Nepali Samaj condemns these terror activities and pays condolences to deceased people and prays for early recovery of wounded people. Goettengeli Nepalese Samaj condemns the terror activities in all forms and covers.

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