People living outside country doesnot mean that they are away from national agenda and responsibilities. They, as the conscious and somewhat resouceful civilians, have more responsiblities than other common people. Hence, 4 members of our Goettingeli Nepalese Samaj, Germany left for Nepal. Mr. Netra Bhandari, Ms. Archana Gauli, Mr. Babu Ram Rijal and Mrs. Pratima Rijal, all chose this time to go there for contributing the CA election. Irrespective of party politics, they are there to cast vote for capable candidates.
We, as the Goettingeli Samaj, would like to thank for their dedication towards nation and efforts they made to fulfill the national agenda. As popular saying, drops and drops make the sea, their efforts and contribution will also make the national agenda come true. We salute your endeavors, all of four dear friends ! Also, would like to request other Nepalese friends from all over the world, to contribute at the fullest capacity to create environment and successful CA election.
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