Sunday 27 December 2009

Uncontrolled sand excavation in Tinau river, Butwal

This is the photo which I have taken 3 years back at Tinau river, Butwal Nepal. The river Tinau, has been providing employment to thousands of poor people and lucrative benefits to few crushers and businessmen. The excavation of sands and stones from the river and its legal (illegal) export to India, has many environmental impacts too. In the photo, we can see that the people have already excavated the sand from the underneath a development activities. In the picture, we can see that it is the "NAHAR HEAD (Canal Head)" of Tinau river on the past, from where already sand and gravels taken away. This is very risky to the worker also because anytime the upperstructure could be broken and buried them! Also, on the backgrounds we can see many houses on the middle of Tinau river. This place used to be one corpse burying places (Chihanghari) and many times the TINAU FLOODS had swaped it.

Is there any controlling organisation? Does BUTWAL Municapality or District Development Committe, Rupandehi have any responsibility? If some accidents happened then who should be blamed! Also,


loknath said...

Nice article. No one is thinking about if any accident takes place! Every political leader is worried to get the chair if not yet got. If he/she is having the chair, worried how to sustain the chair! The municipality or DDC people do not have time(!) to see such things.
Let us hope that people will themselves be awared of such things and kept them safe/far from such vulnerabilities.

bathmate said...

very nice blog......
i like your posting ,this is the better blog.