Monday, 28 June 2010
Saturday, 26 June 2010
मरेपछि मात्रै जो महान् भए
०४६ सालदेखि रूपचन्द्र विष्टको अन्तिम समयसम्म सँगै रहेका उनका सहयोगी र चेस पार्टनर समय बज्राचार्यका केही स्मृति :
प्रस्तुति : राजेश राई (Nayapatrika, 25 june 2010)
राजालाई गोली ठोक्नुपर्छ
०३६ सालमा जनमत संग्रह घोषणापछि एक दिन काठमाडौंको ओमबहालमा एउटा सभा थियो । म ओमबहालकै हिमालय प्रेसमा काम गर्थें । त्यसदिन म पनि सभामा गएको थिएँ । गणेशमान, बिपीलगायत ठूला नेता आएका थिए । नाम सुनेका र चिनेका नेताका भाषण ठीक-ठीकै लाग्यो । तर, अन्तिमतिर कहिल्यै नचिनिएका र नसुनिएका नेता आएर भाषण गरे । उनले भूमिका नबाँधी भने, 'मभन्दा अघिकाको कुरा पनि सुन्नुभयो, पछिकाको पनि सुन्नुहुनेछ । म यति मात्रै भन्छु- यो देशमा दुईवटा राजा छन् । एउटा राजालाई गोली हानी मार्नुपर्छ, अनि मात्रै जनमुखी शासन आउँछ ।' यति भन्नेबित्तिकै प्रहरीले हस्तक्षेप गरिहाल्यो । भागाभाग भयो । म पनि त्यहाँबाट भागिहालेँ । के-के भयो, पत्तै पाइनँ । धेरै वर्षपछि मात्रै थाहा पाएँ- रूपचन्द्र विष्ट भन्ने मान्छे तिनै रहेछन् ।
थाहा बूढा
०४६ सालको जनआन्दोलमा लागेको भन्दै मलाई प्रेसबाट निकालियो । त्यसपछि मैले काठमाडौंको सोल्टीमोडमा 'स्वस्तिक स्टेसनरी' खोलँे । आन्दोलन सफल भएको केही समयपछि एकदिनको कुरा हो- ठूलो पानी परेको थियो । म पसलको सटर आधा मात्रै खोलेर बसिरहेको थिएँ । एकजना मान्छे पानीले निथ्रुक्क भिजेर मेरो पसल अगाडि आए । मैले उनलाई बस्न मुढा र पानी पुछ्न रुमाल दिएँ । मुढा र रुमाल दिएपछि उनले मतिर फर्किएर भने, 'पहिलो भेटमै यति धेरै प्रेम ?' 'होइन, साह्रै भिज्नुभा'रहेछ नि !' मैले भनेँ । उनले पानी पुछेर मलाई भने, 'तैंले मलाई चिनेको छस् ? मेरो बारेमा तँलाई थाहा छ ?' मैले थाहा छैन भनँे । एकाएक तँ-तँ र म-म गरेर कुरा गर्छ बा, म त अचम्ममा परँे । चिया दिएँ । उनले चिया पिउँदै भने, 'तेरो घर कता हो ? 'साँखुमा' मैले भनेँ ।
पानी रोकिएपछि 'मेरो घर ऊ त्यहाँ छ, कहिलेकाहीँ गफ गर्न आइज,' भनेर उनी हिँडे । उनको घर मेरो पसलपछाडिपट्ट िनजिकै रहेछ । नचिनेका मान्छेले यसरी कुरा गर्दा म विष्मित थिएँ । म त साह्रै झगडालु मान्छे थिएँ । कसैले ठूलो स्वर गर्यो भने टिपेर फालिदिन्थेँ । तर, त्यसदिन उनले त्यस्तो तँ-तँ र म-म गर्दा पनि रिस उठेन ।
भोलिपल्ट पनि उनी मेरो पसलमा आए र एउटा खाली कागजमा 'थाहा' लेखेर गए । किन लेखे ? त्यति वास्ता गरिएन । तर, हरेक दिन आउँदै खाली कागज देख्नेबित्तिकै 'थाहा' लेख्दै जान थाले, उनी । मकवानपुरनिवासीे अकुर रायमाझी भन्ने मेरो पसलमा स्टेसनरीका सामान लिएर आउँथे । मैले उनलाई यो 'थाहा प्रकरण'बारे बताएँ । उनले 'सत्यको परिचय, भ्रमको विपरीत- थाहा' भनेर लेखिदिनू भनेर सिकाए । मैले अर्को दिन त्यसै गरेँ । 'तँैले यो मन्त्र कसरी थाहा पाइस् ?' उनले सोधे । 'मैले यस्तो-यस्तो मान्छेबाट पत्ता लगाएँ' भनेँ । अनि मैले उनलाई सोधेँ, 'थाहा भनेको के हो ? उनले भने, 'यत्रो लेखेको छ । यति पनि बुझनिस् भने तेरो टाउको केका लागि ?'
त्यसपछि त उनी प्रत्येक दिन मेरो पसलमा आउँथे । हामी दुईजना चेस खेल्थ्यौँ । उनी चेसमा अत्यन्त सिपालु थिए । कहिल्यै नहार्ने । एकदिन मैले हराइदिएपछि उनले भने, 'तैँले मलाई बुद्धिले हराएको होइन । जथाभावी चालेर जितिसि् । यसरी चेस खेलिन्न, बाबु !' मलाई गर्नुसम्म गाली गरे ।
उनी मेरो चेस पार्टनर थिए । तर, मैले उनलाई रूपचन्द्र विष्ट भनेर चिनेकै थिइनँ । 'थाहा बूढा' भनेर मात्रै चिनेको थिएँ । एकदिन हेटौंडाबाट धर्मराज थला भन्ने मान्छे मेरो पसलमा रूपचन्द्र विष्ट सोध्दै आइपुगे । मैले त 'चिन्दिनँ' भनेँ । उनलाई भेट्न हेटौंडाबाट मेरो पसलको लोकेसन लिएर आएका रहेछन् । उनले 'थाहा' लेख्ने बूढा भनेपछि मैले उनको घर देखाइदिएँ । त्यसदिन मात्रै मैले मेरो चेस पार्टनर त 'रूपचन्द्र विष्ट' रहेछन् भनेर थाहा पाएँ । पछि, अरूबाट उनीबारे धेरै कुरा थाहा पाएँ ।
ए भाते, मीठो भनेको के हो ?
उनको मन पर्ने नाम 'रुदाने' भन्ने थाहा पाएपछि मैले उनलाई 'रुदाने' भनेर सम्बोधन गर्ने थालँे । उनी मलाई सधँै 'तँ' र भाते भनेर सम्बोधन गर्थे । जहिल्यै पनि वि्रदोही र अनौठा काम गरिरहन्थे । अरूलाई रिस उठाउने तरिकाले के-के गरिरहन्थे । कोही चिनेको मान्छे बाटोमा हिँडिरहेको छ भने केही नभनी झ्याम्मै हिर्काइदिन्थे । कुटाइ खानेले प्रतिकार गर्न आयो भने तर्क/वितर्क गर्थे र खुसी हुन्थे । प्रतिकार नगरी कुटाइ खाएर त्यत्तिकै जानेलाई चाहिँ 'लाछी' भन्थे । एकदिन सोल्टीमोडमा घर भएको मान्छे हातमा रक्सीको बोतल बोकेर घरतिर जाँदै थियो । पछाडिबाट बोतल खोसेर रूपचन्द्रले ठाडो घाँटी लाएर आधा बोतल रक्सी खाइदिए । मैले 'के गरेको यस्तो ? यस्तो गर्नुहुन्न,' भनँे । उनले फिस्स हाँसेर भने, 'तँ भातेलाई गर्नुहुन्छ कि हँुदैन, के थाहा ?'
सोल्टीमोडमा उनको घर त थियो, तर ढलान मात्रै गरेर छाडेको । उनी एक्लै थिए । एकदिन कुखुराको मासु ल्याएका रहेछन् । मलाई पनि घर जाऊँ भने । घरमा भाँडाकँुडा असरल्ल थिए । मलाई भात पकाउन अह्राए, तर स्टोभमा मट्टीतेल थिएन । 'स्टोभमा, मट्टीतेल छैन, रुदाने ?' भन्दा उनले भने, 'तेरो सरकारले सबै मट्टीतेल खान्छ, अनि कसरी मेरो घरमा हुन्छ ?' घरअगाडि भीमसेनपातीको ठूलो रूख थियो । त्यसकै हाँगा काटेर दाउरा बनाएका रहेछन् । त्यही दाउरा जोरेर भात पकाउन थालेँ । पानीमा मासु, दाल, चामल, नुन सबै हालेर पकाउन लगाए । 'यसरी पकाउँदा मीठो हँुदैन' मात्रै के भनेको थिएँ उनी जंगिहाले, 'ए भाते, मीठो भनेको के हो ? जसरी भनेँ त्यसरी पका ।'
मलाई चिनेकाहरूले चिनेनन्
०४८ सालको आमनिर्वाचनमा चुनाव लड्न गए । बूढा, चुनावमा हारेर आए । त्यसपछि उनी निकै निराश भए । जीवनदेखि प|mस्ट्रेटेडजस्ता । उनी मलाई भन्ने गर्थे, 'हेर् भाते, यो देशमा मजस्तै देशलाई माया गर्ने मान्छे पनि जन्मिए र चोरफटाहा पनि जन्मिए । तर, अब चोरफटाहाको मात्रै राज चल्न थाल्यो । मेरो तपस्या भंग गराए । मैले चिनेकाहरूले मलाई चिनेनन् र चिन्छु भन्नेहरूले पनि माया गरेनन् । जतिसक्दो चाँडो म यो जीवन त्याग्न चाहन्छु ।'
रक्सी असाध्यै पिउन थालेका थिए । सोल्टीमोडपारिको चुन्नी पाखामा एउटा भट्टी थियो । त्यहाँ रक्सी खाएर केटाकेटीसँग गुच्चा खेल्दै दिनभरि बस्थे । 'तपाईंजस्तो मान्छेले यस्तो गर्नुहुन्न,' भनेर सम्झाउँदा 'अब के गर्ने त ?' भन्थे । कुनै वेला त थाम्नै नसक्नेगरी पिउँथे । मैले उनलाई धेरैपटक बोकेर घरसम्म पुर्याइदिएको थिएँ ।
म उनलाई 'मलाई हेटौंडा नलाने ?' भनेर कचकच गर्थें । उनको एउटा रातो बेन्ज कार थियो । एकदिन कार लिएर मेरो पसलअगाडि आएर 'ए भाते, हेटांैडा जान्छस् ?' भनेर सोधे । मैले 'जान्छ'ु भनँे । त्यत्ति नै खेर म हेटौंडा जान तयार भएँ । उनले 'तेरो बूढीलाई सोधिस् ?' भने । मैलेे 'छैन' भनेपछि उनले भने, 'भाते, तुरुन्तै सोध्, नभए तँलाई म लग्दिनँ ।' त्यसदिन मोरी माइत गएकी थिई, लगनखेलमा । करिब आधा घन्टाजति फोन गरेँ, तर ससुरालीको फोन उठेन । 'तँ अब जान पाउँदैनस्, तँलाई तेरै घरमा काम आइपर्छ,' भनेर उनी हुइँकिए । उनी गएको करिब १० मिनेटपछि श्रीमतीले उनका बालाई बिरामी भएर वीर अस्पताल लगिएकाले तुरुन्त अस्पताल आउन फोन गरिन् ।
चार दिनपछि रूपचन्द्र हेटौंडाबाट फर्के । आउनेबित्तिकै मलाई 'बिरामी कस्तो छ ?' भनेर सोधे । मैले 'को बिरामी ? कसरी थाहा पाउनुभयो ?' भनेर सोध्दा उनले 'तैँले थाहा दिएर थाहा पाएको नि !' भने । मलाई अचम्म लाग्यो ।
कल्पनादास समय
एकदिन पसलमा बसिरहेको थिएँ । रूपचन्द्र हतार-हतार मेरो पसलमा आए । 'ए भाते, मेरो घरमा बाउ बन्दे भन्दै एउटा केटो आयो । म के गरूँ ?' म अचम्ममा परेँ । बाउ बन्देऊ भन्दै को आयो होला भनेको त खासमा त्यो केटो उनकै छोरा रहेछन् । त्यसको निकै लामो अन्तरकथा रहेछ । मलाई सबै सुनाए । त्यसपछि मैले राख्दा राम्रै हुन्छ भन्ने सल्लाह दिएँ । हामी दुवैजना उनको घरमा गयौँ । यसो हेरेको छोरा त काटीकुटी रूपचन्द्र विष्टजस्तै ! मैले 'तपाईंजस्तै रहेछन् तपाईंको छोरा । तपाईं पनि युवावस्थामा यस्तै हुनुहुन्थ्यो होला' भनेँ । त्यसपछि, उनले भने, 'कति न मलाई उहिलेदेखि चिन्याजस्तो गर्छस्, भाते । म बाल्यकालमा या युवावस्थामा कस्तो थिएँ ? तँलाई के थाहा ?' मैले 'तपाइर्ं युवावस्थामा यस्तै हुनुहुन्थ्यो होला भनेर कल्पना गरेर भनेको नि !' भन्दा उनले मेरो नामै 'कल्पनादास समय' राखिदिए । कल्पनाको दास भएकाले मेरो नाम कल्पनादास समय राखेको रे π 'हामी नेपाली कामचाहिँ गर्दैनौँ, कल्पना मात्रै गरेर बस्छौँ । हामी कल्पनाको दास हौँ,' उनी भन्ने गर्थे । छोरा आएपछि उनमा केही उत्साह पलाएको थियो । 'मेरो पनि कोही छ' भन्ने बोधले उनी खुसी देखिन्थे ।
एक वर्षजति छोरासँग राम्ररी बसे । तर, पछि छोरासँग झगडा भयो, उनको । झगडाको कारणचाहिँ छोराले व्यापार गर्छु भनेर दुई/तीन लाख रुपैयाँ मागेका थिए रे ! तर, रूपचन्द्रले 'कस्तो व्यापार ? कहाँ गर्ने ? पूरै योजना बनाएर पेस गर्नू, अनि मात्रै पैसा खोजिदिन्छु' भनेछन् । तर, छोराले योजना बनाएर पेस गर्न सकेनन् । पैसा नदिएपछि छोराले अंश माग्न थाले । त्यसपछि उनले छोरालाई घरबाटै निकालिदिए । अरूको उक्साहटमा छोरा बाबुविरुद्ध लागेको कुरा सुनिन्थ्यो ।
एक अन्तर्वार्ताको रु. दुई हजार शुल्क
०५१ को चुनाव लड्न उनी फेरि मकवानपुर गए । यसपटक पनि उनी पराजित भए । मैले चुनावमा पराजित भएर आएपछि हेटौंडा किन नलगेको भनेर सोध्दा उनले भने, 'मकवानपुरमा केही घीनलाग्दा अपराधी बस्छन् । तँ भाते त्यहाँ गइस् भने त्यहीँ हराउँछस् ।' खै के भनेको हो, मैले कुरै बुझनिँ ।
दोस्रोपल्ट पनि चुनाव हारेपछि उनी झन् निराश भए । उनको राजनीतिक क्रियाशीलतामा शिथिलता आयो । रक्सी झनै पिउन सुरु गरे । पैसा हुँदा उनी बाहिरै खाना खान्थे । नहुँदाचाहिँ मेरोमा आउँथे । 'आजचाहिँ तेरैमा बस्न आउँछु
है !' भन्थे । बेलुका हामी दुईजना रक्सी खान्थ्यौँ । बढी नै निराश भएर हिँड्न थालेपछि 'मैले यस्तो गर्नुहुँदैन' भनेर एकोहोरो किचकिच गर्न थालँे । अरू साथीले पनि पुनः क्रियाशील हुन अनुरोध गरेपछि उनले लेख्न सुरु गरे ।
बनिनसकेको घर भए पनि पाँचवटै कोठामा उनले ओछ्यान लगाएका थिए । प्रत्येक दिन कोठा फेरिफेरी सुत्थे । मैले उनलाई किन यस्तो गरेको भनेर सोध्दा उनले भने, 'तँ भातेलाई केही पनि थाहा छैन । तिमीहरूले नै सुतिसकेको बाघलाई फेरि उठ्-उठ् भन्यौ र लेख्न सुरु गरेँ । बाघ उठेपछि सिकारीहरू बाघ मार्न आउन सक्छन् । राति सिकारी आउँछ कि भन्ने डरले कोठा परिवर्तन गर्दै सुतेको ।' उनी दिनभरि कता जान्थे ? कोसँग, कस्तो कुरा हुन्थ्यो, त्यो त मलाई थाहा भएन । तर, उनलाई आफूलाई कसैले मार्छ कि भन्ने त्रास थियो । मलाई बारम्बार भन्थे, 'भाते, मलाई जोसुकैलेे पनि मार्न सक्छ ।'
लेखनमा सक्रिय भएपछि पत्रिकाहरूले उनकोबारे चासो लिन थाले । एकदिन 'घटना र विचार' साप्ताहिकबाट अन्तर्वार्ताका लागि फोन आएछ । मलाई आएर उनले भने, 'भाते, पत्रकारहरू मेरो अन्तर्वार्ता लिन आउने भएका छन् । कुरा बंग्याएर छाप्न सक्छन् । त्यसो गरे भने मुद्दा हाल्नुपर्छ । त्यसवेला पैसा चाहिन्छ, फेरि अन्तर्वार्ताको पारिश्रमिक पनि चाहियो । यसका लागि धरौटी माग्नुपर्यो । कतिजति माग्नु भन् त ?' म धेरै नपढेको, नबुझेको मान्छे ! यस्तो विषयमा केही ज्ञान थिएन । पाँच हजार धरौटी माग्नुपर्छ भनिदिएँ । उनले 'त्यो त धेरै भयो, दुई हजारजति मागौँ' भने ।
भोलिपल्ट घटना र विचार पत्रिकाबाट रूपचन्द्रलाई खोज्दै देवप्रकास त्रिपाठी र अर्का एकजना पत्रकार मेरो पसलमा आए । मैलेे घरमा पुर्याइदिएँ । अन्तर्वार्ता दिनुअघि रूपचन्द्रले उनीहरूलाई भने, 'मेरो अन्तर्वार्ताका लागि मलाई दुई हजार चाहिन्छ । एक हजार मेरो पारिश्रमिक, एक हजारचाहिँ तिमीहरूले गल्ती छाप्यौ भने तिमीहरूविरुद्ध मुद्दा लड्ने खर्च । मैले जे भनेको छु, त्यही छाप्यौ भने पैसा फिर्ता पाउँछौ ।' रूपचन्द्रले यसो भनेपछि उनीहरू स्तब्ध भए । अन्ततः उनीहरू पैसा दिन सहमत भए र, अन्तर्वार्ता लिएर गए । पछि, 'पत्रिकाले जस्ताको तस्तै छाप्यो, सबै पैसा फिर्ता दिएँ' भन्दै थिए, रूपचन्द्र ।
विचार बाँड्नू, भोट नमाग्नू
०५६ मा फेरि चुनाव भयो । उनले फेरि चुनाव लड्न जान्छु भने । मैले काठमाडौंबाटै चुनाव लड्न धेरै आग्रह गरेँ । उनले मानेनन् । तर, चुनाव प्रचार-प्रसारको क्रममा बिरामी भएछन् र फर्किएर काठमाडौं आए । त्यसवेला एमालेका अध्यक्ष मनमोहन अधिकारीको निधन भएर काठमाडौं क्षेत्र नं. १को चुनाव स्थगित भएको थियो । मैले 'तपाईंको विचार जनतासामु पुर्याउन पनि उठ्नुपर्छ' भन्दा उनले भने, 'अब मेरो विचार किन पुर्याउनु ? नचिनेकाले मलाई चिनेजस्तो गर्छन्, चिनेकाले नचिनेजस्तो । तँ, भातेलाई केही पनि थाहै छैन । तँजस्ता एकजना कुदेर केही पनि हुन्न ।'
पछि साथीहरूसँग सल्लाह गरेछन् । काठमाडौंबाट उठ्न सहमत भए । मेरी श्रीमतीलाई उनी मोटी भन्थे । मेरी श्रीमतीलाई भनेछन्, 'मोटी, तेरो पोइले ज्यादै जिद्दी गर्यो । त्यही भातेका लागि चुनाव लड्दै छु ।'
रूपचन्द्र विष्ट, नवीन विष्ट र म तीनजना भएर उनको उम्मेदवारी दर्ता गर्न गयौँ । अरू पार्टीका त नाराबाजीसहित हुल बनाएर आएका थिए । त्यहाँ उम्मेदवारको फोटो चाहिनेरहेछ । हामीसँग थिएन । नेगेटिभबाट हतार-हतार बागबजार गएर मैले फोटो धुलाएर ल्याएँ । नोमिनेसन दर्ता गर्ने दिन धेरै पत्रकारले उनीसँग प्रतिक्रिया लिन खोजे, तर उनले केही पनि बोलेनन् ।
रूपचन्द्र र मैले मेरो पसलनजिकै एउटा गोलघर बनाएका थियौँ । त्यहाँ बसेर चेस खेल्नेलाई एक कप चिया दिन्थ्यौँ । त्यसबापत दस रुपैयाँ लिने गथ्र्याैं । त्यही गोलघरमा बसेर हामीले रातभरि पर्चा बनायौँ । पर्चा सबै उनले नै लेखे । नवीन विष्टको प्रेस थियो । त्यहाँबाट पर्चा निकाल्यौँ । नवीन, रणसंग्राम, मुक्तिसंग्राम गरी हामी ६ जना उनको प्रचार-प्रसारमा थियाँै । हामीलाई चुनावी ज्ञान शून्य थियो । तैपनि, प्रत्येक दिन हामी प्रचारमा गइरहेका थियौँ । एकदिन रूपचन्द्र प्रचारसामग्री राखेको ठाउँमा गएछन् । प्रचारसामग्री थुपि्रएर बसेको देेखेपछि मसँग रिसाएर भने, 'भाते, यो मलाई पोल्न राखेको !' त्यसदिन त मलाई यति धेरै हकारे कि म ह्वाँ-ह्वाँ रोएँ ।
उनी हामीलाई 'कोणसभा गरेर आउनू' भन्थे । तर, हामी प्रचारमा लागेका ६ जनालाई बोल्नै आउँदैनथ्यो । अनि केको कोणसभा ?
प्रचारसामग्रीमा उनको फोटो थिएन । एकदिन हामीलाई मान्छेहरूले तिमीहरूको नेताको फोटो खोइ ? भनेर सोधे । मैले बेलुका आएर उनलाई फोटो टाँस्नुपर्यो भनेँ । उनले भने, 'मेरो फोटो हेरेर भोट दिने होइन, मेरो विचार हेरेर दिने हो । मेरो विचारसँग सहमत नभई कसैले मलाई भोट दिए भने त्यो पनि धाँधली नै हो ।' विचार मात्रै बाँड्नू, भोट नमाग्नू भन्थे उनी ।
प्रचारका क्रममा हामी नांग्लेभीर पुगेको थियौँ । त्यहाँ पुग्दा त अर्काे पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताले रूपचन्द्र विष्ट मर्यो भनेर माइकबाट फुकिरहेका रहेछन् । उनीहरूसँग हाम्रो झन्डै झडप भएको ! यो कुरा रूपचन्द्रलाई मुक्तिले सुनाइदिए । त्यसपछि रूपचन्द्रले हेटौंडा फोन गरेर रामनारायण बिडारी, बलराम बलहरूलाई बोलाए ।
अर्को दिन दिउँसो म चुनाव प्रचारबाट फर्केपछि थाकेर बसिरहेको थिएँ । हेटौंडाबाट एउटा एम्बुलेन्स आएर मेरो पसलअगाडि रोकियो । एम्बुलेन्सबाट दुईजना निस्किएर र भने, 'रुदाने मर्यो अरे, कहाँ छ ? हामी त लिन आएको ।' म त अचम्ममा परेँ । रिस पनि उठ्यो । मैले दुवैजनाको कानमा समाएर रुदाने बसेको ठाउँमा लगेर देखाइदिएँ । रुदाने बसेर लेखिरहेका थिए । उनलाई देखेपछि ती दुवैजना जिब्रो टोक्दै भागे । वास्तवमा त्यो एमालेहरूले रुदाने मरेको अफवाह फैलाएका रहेछन् ।
फोन गरेको तेस्रो दिन होला, हेटौंडाबाट रामनारायण बिडारी, बलराम बलहरू काठमाडौं आए । रूपचन्द्रले उनीहरूसँग मेरो चिनजान गराए । रामनारायण बिडारीलाई चाहिँ 'यो मेरो हेटौंडाको टेपरेकर्डर' भनेर परिचय गराए । एमालेहरूले अफवाह फैलाएपछि हामीले रूपचन्द्रलाई सबै क्षेत्रमा घुमायौँ ।
चुनावको दिन साँखुको भाग्यदोय निमाविमा एजेन्ट बसेँ । मतदान गणना भएको ठाउँमा नवीन विष्टलाई पठायौँ । चुनावको दिन राति एक बजे बसेर छलफल गर्दा रूपचन्द्रले मलाई देखाउँदै भने, 'एक भोट त यो भातेबाट स्योर छ । बाँकीचाहिँ एउटा गाविसबाट एकजनाले दियो भने ३२ होला, दुई/दुईजनाले दिए भने ६४ होला । त्योभन्दा बढी भोट आउँदैन । भोट किनबेच हुन्छ, हामीले किनेका छैनौँ ।' नभन्दै उनले जम्मा ८१ भोट पाए ।
पर्चा बक्सिस
चुनाव सकिएको केही दिनपछि एक साँझ उनी र म मेरो कोठामा बसेर रक्सी खाँदै गफ गरिरहेका थियौँ । मैले 'अबचाहिँ संगठन बनाउनुपर्छ' भनेँ । उनले झडंग रिसाएर भने, 'तँ भातेलाई जति भने पनि केही बुझनिस् । संगठन बनाउने होइन, आफँै बन्नुपर्छ । आफैँ बनेको संगठन मात्रै राम्रो हुन्छ । ल भैगो, तँ संगठन बना, म आएर सम्बोधन गरिदिउँला ।' यति भनेपछि उनी एकोहोरो हाँस्न थाले । किन हाँसेको भनेर सोध्दा उनले निराश भएर भने, 'तँ भाते संगठनको कुरा गर्छस्, अब म धेरै बाँच्दिनँ ! म बाटोमा मरेँ भने मलाई लगेर कसैलाई नभनी पोलिदिनू । धेरै मान्छेले थाहा पाए र मलामी आए भने उनीहरूले दुःख पाउँछन् । म बस्ने भनेको तेरो घर र अजय-अजय सुमार्गी)को घर हो । तिमीहरू दुवैले म मरेको थाहा पाउनेछौ । मेरो निधनपछि दुइटा कुरा नगर्नू । पहिलो, धेरै मान्छेलाई मेरो निधनको बारेमा थाहा नदिनू, अर्को मेरो लासमाथि फूल, सिन्दुर कसैलाई पनि चढाउन नदिनू, राजनीति गर्न नदिनू ।' बेलुका मलाई चुनावमा सहयोग गरेबापत बक्सिस भन्दै उनका सबै पर्चा स्टिच गरेर दिए । अझैसम्म त्यो मसँग सुरक्षित छ ।
मरेपछि हाइ-हाई
'रुदाने' वीर अस्पतालको बेडमा लडिरहेका थिएँ । के भयो ? भनेर सोधेँ । उनले 'एउटा काँक्रो खाएको थिएँ, पखाला लाग्यो' भने । उनले अस्पतालको क्याबिनमा बस्न अस्वीकार गरेका थिए । साधारण बेडमा बसेका थिए ।
म उनीसँग अस्पतालमा बस्न थालँे । मलाई साह्रै दुःख लाग्छ- उनका त्यत्तिका आफन्त थिए, तर कोही पनि एकरात उनलाई कुर्न आएनन् । उनी असाध्यै कमजोर भएपछि मैले पत्रकारहरूलाई रूपचन्द्र विष्ट अन्तिम अवस्थामा छ भनेर लेखिदिनू भनेर धेरै अनुरोध गरँे । तर, मेरो कुरा कसैले सुनेनन् । मलाई त त्यसवेलादेखि नेपाली मिडियाको विश्वासै लाग्दैन । मलाई लाग्छ- त्यसवेला कुनै पत्रिकाले बेलैमा रुदानेको बारेमा लेखेको भए, उनको बाँच्ने सम्भावना धेरै थियो । मैले त्यसवेला वीर अस्पतालका डाक्टरहरूसँग पनि झगडा गरँे । म अझै पनि दाबीका साथ भन्छु- 'डाक्टरहरूको लापरबाहीले नै रूपचन्द्रको निधन भएको थियो ।'
अघिल्लो दिन उनी अत्यन्तै सिकिस्त थिए । त्यही दिन नेपालको एक चर्चित दैनिक पत्रिकाले 'रूपचन्द्र विष्ट सिकिस्त, स्वास्थ्य लाभको कामना' भनेर लेखिदियो । तर, कस्तो दुःखद् संयोग ! भोलिपल्ट त्यो पत्रिका बजारमा आउनुअघि नै उनको निधन भइसकेको थियो ।
रूपचन्द्र विष्ट बिरामी छ भनेर हेर्न आएकाहरूले उनको लास मात्रै हेर्न पाए । त्यस पत्रिकाले एक साताअघि मात्रै उनीबारे समाचार लेखिदिएको भए, रूपचन्द्र विष्टले सायद राम्रो उपचार पाउँथे ।
उनको पार्थिव शरीरमा सबैले फूल र अबिर चढाउन खोजेका थिए । तर, मेलै कसैलाई पनि त्यसो गर्न दिइनँ । मानिसलाई दुःख पर्दा उसको साथ कोही हुँदैन, तर उसको मृत्युपछि भने फूल चढाउन हुलै आउँदारहेछन् । अहिले पनि रूपचन्द्रको नाम लिएर ठूला कुरा गर्नेहरू धेरै छन् । तर, रूपचन्द्र काठमाडौंका गल्लीमा दुःखले भौंतारिँदा तिनै मान्छेले बेवास्ता गरे । म त सोझो मान्छे, धेरै कुरा जान्दिनँ । बस् यत्ति जान्दछु कि मरेपछि मात्रै रूपचन्द्रलाई महान् मानियो ।
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Thursday, 24 June 2010
Ozil: I'm not afraid of anybody
(This interview was taken before Germany-Ghana Game, and he proved with his winning Goal)
Such is the relaxed and good-natured atmosphere at Germany's hotel base outside Pretoria, it seems hard to believe Die Nationalmannschaft are on the verge of a decisive clash with Group D rivals Ghana at Johannesburg's Soccer City stadium. Yet the casual mood should not disguise their determination, as discovered during an exclusive interview with 21-year-old Werder Bremen schemer Mesut Ozil.
"I'm a quiet guy, but I like to have a laugh – it's good for helping me focus on the next challenge," said the youngster of Turkish origin, who burst onto the scene at last year's UEFA European Under-21 Championship. "Up to now I'm satisfied with my performances at the World Cup, but I know I can do even better, and I want to show that against Ghana. I want to play perfectly and help us win the game."
The stakes could barely be higher for the three-time world champions on Wednesday evening, with only a win guaranteeing their place in the Round of 16. Up against the physically imposing west Africans, will the diminutive Ozil struggle to cope? "It's all the same to me whether my opponent is two metres tall or two metres wide, I'm not afraid of anybody," said the confident youngster, clearly steeped in the German camp's steely winning mentality. "We'll do the business when it matters, as we already showed in the qualifiers against Russia."
Indeed, last October it was far from certain that the Joachim Low's charges would qualify automatically for the first FIFA World Cup™ on African soil, only to silence any doubters with a hard-fought 1-0 victory away to Russia – Ozil laying on the winner for Miroslav Klose. A player able to turn a match in the blink of an eye and undaunted by a vast stadium or capacity crowd, how does Ozil feel to be performing on the biggest stage of all? "It's fantastic to take part in the greatest sporting event in the world. And it's not about being the best player in the tournament, what I want is for our title dream to come true."
Set for the showdown
Ozil is all too aware that the dream could be shattered against Ghana. "That would be a bitter disappointment," said Ozil, whose team lie second in their section on three points, one behind the Black Stars and ahead of Serbia on goal difference. "We are better tactically, better organised and have a stronger defence [than Ghana]. We are a team who all play for each other. That's why I believe we'll do it."
A self-confessed admirer of France legend Zinedine Zidane, Ozil is revelling in the kind of free role in which Zizou once thrived. "Low gives me complete freedom in attack, which I enjoy and for which I'm very grateful," said the Bremen starlet, who would surely not be playing with such verve and confidence were it not for the faith of his coach. Nor he is the only Germany player enjoying himself at this tournament. Despite the disappointment of last Friday's 1-0 reverse against the Serbians, what price performers of the calibre of Ozil, Philipp Lahm, Bastian Schweinsteiger and Lukas Podolski sending Die Nationalelf soaring into the knockout stages?
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Tuesday, 22 June 2010
The 10 biggest World Cup upsets
By James Montague, CNN
You could argue that the real spirit of the World Cup is distilled in those fleeting, beautiful moments when the artists and millionaires are humbled by the amateurs and the underdogs.
Nothing captures that spirit better than the final few moments of New Zealand's surprise 1-1 draw against the holders Italy on Sunday, when a team of little-known players held on for dear life to deny their highly-rated opponents.
Before the 2010 tournament started, the "All Whites" -- along with North Korea -- were the rankest of rank outsiders with odds of 2000-1 to win the World Cup.
After all, they hail from a country without a professional league and who only qualified after beating fellow soccer lightweights Bahrain, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to reach South Africa.
But as coach Ricki Herbert tried to hold on for a historic draw, he brought on Andrew Barron, an amateur footballer who works in an investment bank and who was only there because his boss had given him the time off work.
Barron and his All Whites held on for arguably one of the greatest shocks in World Cup history. CNN gives you 10 more results that shook the world.
North Korea 1-0 Italy (England, 1966)
The mysterious national team of a secretive, Stalinist nation led by a bellicose president went to the World Cup under a cloud of heightening political tensions.
Sound familiar? Just like in 2010, the North Korean national team arrived in England in 1966 as virtual unknowns. The press dubbed them "the Mystery Men."
They were lucky to even be there. Recently-released British Foreign Office documents show that the UK government almost refused visas for the team to play in the tournament because it didn't recognize North Korea. It relented and, unbelievably, North Korea beat Italy 1-0 to become the first Asian side to ever reach the quarterfinals.
"I learned that football is not only about the winning," said goal-scorer Pak Doo-Ik in "The Game of Their Lives," a documentary about the exploits of the 1966 North Korean team. "Wherever we go, playing football can improve diplomatic relations and promote peace."
North Korea went out in a blaze of glory, losing 5-3 to Portugal despite taking a 3-0 lead. The Italians, on the other hand, were pelted with rotten fruit when they returned home.
USA 1-0 England (Brazil, 1950)
The English were so sure of their superiority over the U.S., a team made up of mailmen and school teachers, that sports editors back home thought someone had made a typing error when the score first came in over the wires. Surely they meant 10-0 to England? But no, the Americans had produced one of the greatest shocks the tournament has ever seen.
The only goal was scored by Joe Gaetjens, a Haitian who a few years later went missing, presumed murdered by a death squad during Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier's brutal rule. The humiliation sent shockwaves through the English game. But back home, the American players' exploits went almost totally unnoticed.
"The only person who met me at the airport when we flew [back] was my wife," Walter Bahr, a defender who set up the winner, told CNN. "The papers had nothing in there. The Philadelphia paper, I still have a copy of it, it has a two-inch column. I don't think I did a single interview about the World Cup until 25 years later."
West Germany 3-2 Hungary (Switzerland, 1954)
It seems strange having a final as one of the greatest upsets in World Cup history, but the denouement to the 1954 tournament, held in Switzerland, was the biggest mismatch in the tournament's history.
West Germany, a team of amateur footballers still coming to terms with the political and economic aftermath of World War Two, were playing Hungary, the greatest team on the planet led by the inspirational Ferenc Puskas.
The two teams had met in the group stages, with Hungary smashing the Germans 8-3. Yet somehow West Germany managed to hang on. Such was the outpouring of previously-hidden national pride back home that German historian Joachim Fest credited the match as a vital turning point in the country's fortunes.
"It was a kind of liberation for the Germans from all the things that weighed down upon them after the Second World War," Fest wrote. "July 4, 1954 is in certain aspects the founding day of the German Republic."
No wonder the match is known as the "Miracle of Bern."
South Korea 2-1 Italy (Japan and South Korea, 2002)
Not much was expected from co-hosts South Korea at the 2002 World Cup. However, they were being coached by legendary Dutchman Guus Hiddink and his players lit up the tournament on the way to the semifinals -- but it was their controversial defeat of Italy that everyone remembers.
After having a perfectly good goal disallowed, the Italians were knocked out by a golden goal scored by Ahn Jung-Hwan. As it turned out, Ahn played for Perugia in Italy's Serie A league. So incensed were the Italians with the result that the owner of his club decided to sack him.
"I have no intention of paying a salary to someone who has ruined Italian soccer," Perugia's owner Luciano Gaucci told the Italian press. Gaucci later apologized, but Ahn refused to play for Perugia again and was promptly sold to a J-League team in Japan.
Spain 0-1 Northern Ireland (Spain, 1982)
Northern Ireland became the smallest nation to ever qualify for the World Cup finals in 1982. If that wasn't disadvantage enough, Northern Ireland's greatest ever player -- the mercurial George Best -- refused to come out of retirement to lend a hand.
So when they met the hosts Spain in Valencia during the group stage, a rout was on the cards. Yet Gerry Armstrong's solitary strike gave Northern Ireland victory despite having a man sent off, earning a place in the quarterfinals.
"At the final whistle, we didn't initially celebrate. We just looked at each other for about 10 seconds in amazement," former midfielder Tommy Cassidy told the Lancashire Telegraph. "We couldn't believe what we'd done. We had beaten Spain in their backyard. It was unthinkable."
Senegal 1-0 France (Japan and South Korea, 2002)
Cast your mind back to a time when the French team weren't ripping themselves to pieces in an orgy of self-destruction. A stunning 3-0 victory over Brazil to win the World Cup on home soil in 1998 was followed by success in the European Championships two years later.
It was no surprise, then, that the French were confident going into the 2002 World Cup. Too confident in fact. In the first game they faced lowly Senegal -- a former French colony and the birth place of "Les Bleus" legend Patrick Vieira -- who managed to sneak a 1-0 victory. The holders went home after the group stage having failed to score a goal.
"The opening game against Senegal was a disaster," Vieira later told FIFA's website. "That just goes to show you that quality alone is not enough. You have to work and keep your feet on the ground."
Argentina 0-1 Cameroon (Italy, 1990)
Of course, France weren't the only holders to lose to seemingly inferior African opponents in their opening match. Back in 1990, Argentina -- with Diego Maradona running the midfield -- took on a Cameroon side featuring a mixture of brute force and exquisite skill.
The Miami Herald described Cameroon as "a humble team with an insignificant past," yet it wasn't long before the "Indomitable Lions" were writing a new chapter in their history.
The 1-0 victory was memorable enough, although not as memorable as the Africans' two red cards including a ludicrous tackle on Argentine striker Claudio Caniggia by Benjamin Massing. It was so hard, Massing lost a boot.
"I got a kick from a guy against Cameroon that nearly took my head off," recalled Maradona recently. Unsurprisingly, it is the hosts, rather than the holders, that now play the first match of the tournament.
Iran 2-1 United States (France, 1998)
Team USA haven't ever been considered one of the leading lights in world football, but the 1998 World Cup in France represented a chance for the Americans to push on from the gains they made when they hosted the tournament four years previously.
Instead they were embroiled in a geo-political grudge match against Iran. It was the first contact the two nations had since 1979. Even U.S. President Bill Clinton recorded a message before the match preaching reconciliation.
But it wasn't a good night for the U.S. as Iran won 2-1 to send a million people into a frenzy on the streets of Tehran, the biggest crowd in the capital since the funeral of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
"All we cared about, our only goal was to win against the U.S.," recalled Ali Daei, Iran's then captain. "But we didn't take it seriously for the last match against Germany so that we could qualify for the second round."
Both teams went home early.
Peru 3-1 Scotland (Argentina, 1978)
It was always going to end in tears. The Scottish had been convinced by their coach Ally MacLeod that they would come home with the 1978 World Cup. They had some great players then too: Archie Gemmill, Kenny Dalglish, Graeme Souness et al. In fact, such was the confidence they had a leaving parade to send off their soon-to-be-victorious boys.
First up on the inevitable march to glory were South American minnows Peru, a seemingly simple fixture. But despite the Scots going ahead, Peru hit back with three stunning goals.
To make matters worse, Willie Johnston failed a drugs test afterwards and was sent home in disgrace, ending his international career. No-one has talked up Scotland's chances at a World Cup since.
Brazil 1-2 Uruguay (Brazil, 1950)
Brazil were so sure they would win the 1950 World Cup on home soil that some early editions of the South Americans' domestic newspapers hit the streets declaring victory after halftime.
After all, the "Samba Kings" were leading 1-0 against Uruguay in a round-robin match that would determine the title -- there was no one-off final that year, a thusfar unique occurrence.
But a second-half comeback saw Uruguay win 2-1 in front of close to 200,000 fans. It caused some problems: gold victory medals had already been pressed for the Brazilians and a victory song composed, both of which had to be scrapped.
"Our catastrophe, our Hiroshima," wrote novelist Nelson Rodrigues, "was the defeat by Uruguay in 1950."
Brazilian football remained in a funk until the emergence of Pele during the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. They haven't looked back since.
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Monday, 21 June 2010
Democracy is Black
A powerful definition of Democracy by Anoop Poudel, who won the global competition organised by Foreign Ministry of USA on Democracy! Lots of congratulation to him and his creativity!
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Friday, 18 June 2010
रुस्दी र हुसेनभन्दा बिल्कुल भिन्न म
-Taslima Nasrin धेरै मानिस मेरो नाम सलमान रुस्दीसँग जोड्छन् । तर, यसमा मेरो आपत्ति छ, किनभने दुई असमान मानिसलाई एकै ठाउँमा राखेर हेर्नु तर्कसंगत हुँदैन । आजकल मलाई निसंकोच महिला रुस्दी भनिदिन्छन् मान्छेहरू । तर, मेरो प्रश्न छ- सलमान रुस्दीलाई किन पुरुष नसरिन भनिन्न ? फतवालाई छाडिदिने हो भने हामीबीच कुनै समानता छैन । पुरुष भएकाले उनी सुविधा भोगिरहेका छन् र स्त्री भएकाले म असुविधाबाट घेरिएकी छु । म एक-एक गरेर असमानता गन्न चाहन्छु । फतवा जारी भएपछि उनले मुस्लिम कट्टरपन्थीसँग माफी मागे । जिन्दगीभर खाँटी मुसलमान बनिरहने कसम खाए । तर, मैले माफी मागिनँ । मुसलमान पनि हुन चाहिनँ । म बच्चैदेखि नास्तिक हुँ । जति आँधी-तुफान आए पनि सधैँ शिर उचो पारेर नास्तिक बनिराखेँ । इरानले रुस्दीविरुद्ध फतवा जारी गरेको थियो, तर उनी त्यस देशमा कहिल्यै बसेनन् । तर, म त्यही देशमा बसेँ जहाँ मलाई फासी दिने उद्देश्यले वर्षां उन्मत्त जुलुस निक्लिरहे, जहाँ असहिष्णु मुसलमान मेरो हत्या गर्न उद्यत थिए, जहाँको सरकारै मविरुद्ध खनिएको थियो । मैले महिनाँै रातको अँध्यारोमा लुकेर बस्नुपरेको थियो । सारा कट्टरपन्थी आफ्ना हातले मेरो गर्धन बटार्न व्यग्र थिए । यस्तो उग्र माहौलमा समेत म त्यस देशमा सशरीर उपस्थित थिएँ । फतवा चल्दै गर्दा रुस्दीलाई उनको देशमा कसैले पनि प्रताडित गरेनन् । उनलाई देश निकालाको सजाय दिइएन । रुस्दीको देश हो, बेलायत । उनी त्यहीँ थिए र त्यहीँ छन् । उनका विरुद्ध केवल एउटा फतवा जारी भयो । मेराविरुद्ध बंगलादेशमा तीन र भारतमा पाँच फतवा जारी भए । सबैमा मेरो टाउकोको मूल्य तोकिएको थियो । मलाई मेरो लेखनका कारण दुई देशबाट निकाला गरिएको थियो । रुस्दीको एउटा किताब प्रतिबन्धित छ भने मेरा पाँच किताब प्रतिबन्धित छन्- लज्जा, मेरो बाल्यकाल, उत्ताउलो हावा, द्विखण्डित र सारा अन्धकार । धर्मलाई निन्दा गरे पनि रुस्दी कुनै धर्मनिरपेक्ष संगठन या मानवअधिकार संगठनसँग जोडिएका छैनन्, तर म सक्रिय रूपमा जोडिएकी छु । उनी व्यक्तिगत जीवनमा अत्यन्त सामन्तवादी छन्, म भने ठीक उल्टो छु । रुस्दी एकपछि अर्की युवतीलाई समाउँछन्, भोग्छन् अनि छाडिदिन्छन् । बूढो भइसके, तर उनको यौनेच्छामा कुनै कमी आएको देखिँदैन । उनलाई अधिक समर्थन र सुन्दर प्रेमीका रूपमा सम्मान गरिन्छ र धेरै पुरुष उनको इष्र्या गर्छन् । यता, म भने पुरुष-साथीविना जीवन काटिरहेको छु, तर मेरो यौनजीवनबारे थरी-थरी कथा लेखिन्छन् । मलाई वेश्या र विकृत महिला भन्नेहरूको कमी छैन । पुरुष यौनजीवनको भरपूर उपभोग गर्न स्वतन्त्र छ, तर महिलाले यौनजीवनको उपभोग गरे वा यौनजीवनको उपभोग गर्ने अधिकारको कुरा गर्ने या लेख्ने गरेमा वेश्या हुन्छे । लेख्न सुरु गरेदेखि निन्दा खेपिरहेकी छु । महिलाको यौन स्वाधीनताको सवाल उठाएर मैले समाजको बाह्र बजाइदिएँ । रुस्दी र मबीच एक अर्को विचित्र समानता -या असमानता) यो छ कि रुस्दीलाई राम्रो लेखक मान्नेहरू धेरैले उनका किताब पढेका छैनन् । र, मलाई खराब लेखक मान्नेहरू धेरैले मेरा किताब पढेका छैनन् । रुस्दीसँग १९९३ देखि मेरो नाम जोडिन थालेको हो । इरानले उनका नाममा फतवा जारी गरेपछि रुस्दी विख्यात भएका थिए । उता, मेरो टाउकोको मूल्य घोषणा गरिएपछि मात्रै बंगलादेश र भारतका सीमामा केही मानिसले मेरो नाम थाहा पाएका थिए । म बंगलादेशमा नजरबन्दमा रहेका वेला मेरो पक्षमा खुलापत्र लेखेर आन्दोलन चलाउने युरोपेली लेखकमध्ये रुस्दी पनि एक थिए । तर, निर्वासनको वेलामा जर्मनीको एक पत्रिकामा छापिएको मेरो बयान पढेर उनी आगो भए । त्यो पत्रिकामा निराशा प्रकट गर्दै भनेको थिएँ, 'फतवाको डरले रुस्दीले माफी मागेका हुन् भने यो उनको कायरता हो ।' रुस्दी न्युयोर्कमा बस्छन् । म पनि त्यहीँ बस्छु, तर हामी दुईबीच भेटघाटको कुनै सम्भावना छैन । अमेरिकी कवि लेखकहरूको ठूलो संगठन 'पेन क्लब'का अध्यक्ष हुन् उनी । दुई वर्षपहिले पेन क्लबले अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रतासम्बन्धी विशाल गोष्ठी आयोजना गरेको थियो । त्यसमा एसिया-अपि|mकाका धेरै लेखक जुटेका थिए, प्रायः सबै अपरिचित । म भारतबाट निर्वासित भएर यहाँ आएको सलमान रुस्दीलाई थाहा छ । मेरो अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रतामा जुन आघात भएको छ, त्यसको पछाडि घृणा र अविश्वास छन् । बंगलादेशमा मेरा सारा किताब सामाजिक होइन, सरकारी तवरबाट प्रतिबन्धित छन् । बंगलादेशबाट मात्र होइन, पश्चिमबंगालबाट पनि मलाई निर्वासन तोकिएको थियो । यति मात्र होइन, देशबाट बाहिर निकाल्नुअगाडिको साढे सात महिना मलाई कोलकाता र दिल्लीमा नजरबन्दको अवस्थामा राखियो । तर, मेरो इतिहासलाई छल, बल र कौशलले अस्वीकार गर्दै सलमान रुस्दी अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रताको उत्सव मनाइरहेका छन् । उनी जे चाहन्छन्, त्यो गर्छन् । उनका एक सुरक्षाकर्मीले उनीविरुद्ध एउटा किताब लेखेका छन् । उनले प्रकाशकसँग कुरा गरेर त्यस पुस्तकलाई छाप्न नदिने बन्दोबस्त मिलाए । र, उनी अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रताको उत्सव मनाइरहेका छन् ! उमेरले साठी काटिसकेका उनले युवतीहरूतिर लालचपूर्ण नजरले हेर्दा पनि उनलाई कसैले नराम्रो भन्न सक्दैन । उनीसँग संगत गरेका केही युवतीले आरोप लगाएका छन्- रुस्दी महिलालाई 'यौनवस्तु' बाहेक केही पनि सोच्दैनन् । तैपनि, उनलाई मानिसहरू घृणा गर्दैनन् । यो प्रचण्ड-पुरुषवादी लेखकको खुब नाम छ । मलाई उनीसँग जोडेर हेर्नुको कुनै अर्थ छैन किनभने फतवाबाहेक उनीसँग मेरो केही पनि मिल्दैन । दुई वर्षदेखि एक अर्काे व्यक्तिसँग मेरो नाम जोडिन थालेको छ । उनी हुन्, मकबुल फिदा हुसेन । ठूला चित्रकार हुन् । भारतमा उनको चित्र सबभन्दा बढी मूल्यमा बिक्छन् । धेरै मानिस उनलाई भारतको नम्बर एक चित्रकारका रूपमा हेर्छन् । उनले सरस्वतीको नांगो तस्बिर बनाएर हिन्दूमनलाई आघात पुर्याएका थिए । हिन्दूहरूले उनको चित्रलाई नस्ट गरिदिए । उनलाई धम्की दिइयो, हुसेन देश छाड्न बाध्य भए । म अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रतामा शतप्रतिशत विश्वास गर्छु । मकबुल फिदा हुसेन जे रचना गर्न चाहन्छन्, त्यो गर्न पाउने स्वतन्त्रता उनलाई हुनुपर्छ भन्ने मेरो मान्यता छ । उनीमाथि अत्याचार गर्ने अधिकार कसैलाई छैन । तर, जब हुसेनजस्ता ठूला चित्रकारसँग मजस्तो सानो व्यक्तिको नाम जोडिन्छ, म बेचैनी महसुस गर्छु । किनभने, व्यक्ति सानो भए पनि म आफ्ना आदर्शलाई निकै मूल्यवान् ठान्छु । मेरो आदर्शको तुलना कसैसँग गर्न सकिँदैन । जतिसुकै प्रख्यात व्यक्ति किन नहोस्, ऊसँग मेरो नाम जोडिँदा म पुलकित हुँदिनँ । हुसेनको सरस्वतीको नांगो तस्बिरलाई लिएर भारतमा विवाद सुरु भयो । त्यतिखेर स्वाभाविक रूपले म चित्रकारको पक्षमा थिएँ । मुसलमान समुदायमा नास्तिक निकै कम हुन्छन् । मैले मकबुल फिदा हुसेनका चित्र खोजी-खोजी हेरेकी छु । हिन्दूबाहेक अरू कुनै धर्मलाई उनले व्यंग्य गरेका छैनन् । उनी क्यानभासमा अरबी भाषामा अल्लाह लेख्छन् । उनमा इस्लामप्रति अगाध श्रद्धा र विश्वास भएको मैले स्पष्ट देखेँ । इस्लामबाहेक अर्काे धर्ममा उनी विश्वास गर्दैनन् । हिन्दूत्वप्रतिको अविश्वासले उनले लक्ष्मी र सरस्वतीलाई नांगो चित्रित गरे । उनी पैगम्बर मोहम्मदलाई नांगो चित्रण गर्न सक्छन् ? मलाई विश्वास छ, उनी सक्दैनन् । मलाई कुनै पनि धर्मका देवी/देवताका नांगा चित्र बनाउन हिच्किचाहट छैन । दुनियाँका हरेक धर्मप्रति मेरो मनमा समान रूपले अविश्वास छ । म कुनै धर्मलाई माथि राखेर अर्कोप्रति घृणा प्रदर्शन गर्ने कोसिस गर्दिनँ । हुसेन पनि तिनै धार्मिक मानिससरह हुन् जो आफ्नो धर्मप्रति विश्वास राख्छन्, तर अरूका धर्मप्रतिको विश्वासलाई निन्दा गर्छन् । फिदा हुसेनसँगै मेरो नाम लिइन्छ । कहाँ उनी विशाल वृक्ष र कहाँ म सानो छेस्को ! कहाँ म नास्तिक र उनी आस्तिक ! हामीबीच केको समानता ? फिदा हुसेनसँग मेरो एक मात्र समानता छ । धर्मान्ध मानिस आक्रामक भएपछि लगभग एकसाथ हामी दुई देश छाड्न बाध्य भएका थियौँ । बाँकी असमानता मात्रै छन् । पहिलो असमानता त यो हो कि उनले स्वेच्छाले देश छाडेका हुन्, मैले स्वेच्छाले छाडेको होइन । अनि, मलाई आफ्नो कोलकाताको घरबाट होइन, भारतबाटै निकाला गरिएको हो । कट्टरपन्थीले होइन, स्वयं सरकारले मलाई देशनिकाला गर्यो । विदेशमा हुसेनको आफ्नो घर छ, मेरो छैन । हुसेनलाई देश फर्काउन सरकार पूरा कोसिस गरिरहेको छ । मलाई न भारत सरकारले र्फकन दिएको छ न बंगलादेश सरकारले । भारतबाट निक्लेर गएपछि मैले धेरैपटक त्यहाँ र्फकने कोसिस गरेँ, तर असफल भएँ । हुसेन त एक केवल धर्मलाई व्यंग्य गर्छन्, म त नारी अधिकारका कुरा गर्दै दुनियाँका सबै धर्ममा वणिर्त स्त्रीविरोधी श्लोकका आलोचना गर्छु । नारीविरोधी संस्कृति र कानुन समाप्त हुनुपर्छ । सबै धर्मको आलोचना गर्छु, म । आफ्ना आत्मीयजन र आफन्तका धर्म इस्लामलाई अलग राखेर हेर्दिनँ । म रुस्दी र हुसेनजति प्रसिद्ध छैन । उनीहरूका साथ मेरो नाम लिइनु हुँदैन । मैले लामो समयसम्म धर्मान्ध र शक्तिशाली सरकारको अत्याचार सहन गरेको छु, तर यी दुईले त्यस्तो केही पनि सहेका छन् । बेघर भएर, अनिश्चतता र अभावका साथ म आफूले आफूलाई बचाउन एक्लै संघर्ष गरिरहेको छु । मेरो साथमा कोही छन् भने ती हुन्- आदर्श र विश्वास । यी दुई विख्यात मानिसका सिर्जनाप्रति असीम श्रद्धा गर्दै भन्छु- यी दुई पुरुषका साथ कोष्ठकमा मेरो नाम राख्नु उचित छैन । धर्ममुक्त, विषमतामुक्त, समान अधिकारयुक्त समाजको रचनाका लागि म जुन संघर्ष गरिरहेकी छु, यी दुई पुरुष त्यसको छेउछाउ पनि पुगेका छैनन् । अनुवादः वन्दना ढकाल
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Thursday, 17 June 2010
Germany accepts loan guarantees to shore up the euro
The two chambers of the German parliament (Bundestag and Bundesrat) have adopted the law that will now allow Germany to provide its share of the emergency package to stabilise the euro. Germany’s share will be up to 123 billion euros. With the emergency package, the Europeans are sending a clear signal that they intend to underpin the stability of the euro zone.

Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the decision of the parliament. "I am delighted that we have managed to adopt the package of measures to stabilise the euro," she said. She underscored that fact that it is important that the parties in government have sent a clear signal to Europe and for Europe – but that this signal is linked to an equally clear signal in favour of a culture of greater stability within the euro zone.
Stability of the euro in the interests of Germany The measures now adopted are in Germany’s direct interests. "We are doing this for ourselves and in the interests of the generations to come," pointed out Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble during the debate in the German Bundestag. The euro has hitherto been extremely stable, more stable even than the Deutsche Mark. As an exporting nation, Germany is very much interested in seeing the European economic area protected from fluctuations in exchange rates by the common currency.
At the same time Germany, the largest state in the euro zone, bears a special responsibility for the common currency. Even following on the assistance for Greece, the Federal Finance Minister stressed how essential the emergency package is for the euro. "The markets will only trust these measures when they actually come into force."
Assistance for absolute emergencies Two different mechanisms are involved which follow on one from another. Concrete financial assistance will only be used as a last resort, though, should another euro-zone member state face the threat of insolvency.
The precondition is that the member state in question is seriously threatened by exceptional circumstances beyond its control. It must also present a strict economic and financial policy concept, produced with the collaboration of the European Commission.
The stages involved in the emergency package
Stage One: European Stabilisation Mechanism
Initially, the EU can take out loans of up to 60 billion euros and pass these on to affected euro-zone countries. The EU budget is the collateral. The euro-zone member state in question will have to repay the loan to the EU with interest.
Step Two: Loan Guarantees
Only once these EU loans (plus the contribution of the IMF) have been exhausted, would further financial assistance from euro-zone countries be made available. The euro-zone states would provide loan guarantees up to a ceiling of 440 billion euros up to 30 June 2012.
The loans would be extended by an international society to be founded specifically for this purpose. Governments would not then pay out any cash out of their reserves. The share of each euro-zone state in the loan guarantees would be equivalent to their share in the European Central Bank. Germany’s share of the loan guarantees is thus 123 billion euros. Should unforeseen needs arise, this sum may be exceeded by 20 percent with the authorisation of the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag.
International Monetary Fund: The IMF will put up in each case at least half of the sum put up by the EU.
The EU ministers of finance agreed on the emergency package on 9 May. The euro-zone states the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Central Bank all agreed to exhaust all possible options for preserving the stability of the euro area.
Tackling the causes
The euro-zone states have also decided to accelerate the consolidation of their budgets. Portugal and Spain in particular have undertaken to take significant additional steps to consolidate their budgets this year and next year.
The governments reached an agreement that the economic policies of the individual euro-zone states should be more closely monitored and coordinated. The aim is partly to ensure that more attention is paid to the impacts on levels of indebtedness and on competitiveness.
They also intend to tighten up the regulations ensuring compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact, in part by introducing more effective sanctions.
Regulating financial markets, fighting speculation
With respect to financial market regulation, the EU now intends above all to forge ahead with achieving greater transparency and supervision of the derivates markets. The role of rating agencies too is to be reviewed.The euro-zone states intend to prompt a speedier recovery from the financial crisis and ensure that the financial sector itself bears a larger share of the costs of any future crises.
The European Council will now deliberate and decide by June whether further-reaching measures are needed in the light of the most recent speculation against indebted states.
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Friday, 11 June 2010
Golden Opportunity to make Ph.D. in Forest Inventory
The Research Training Group (RTG 1644) on "Scaling Problems in Statistics", funded by the
German Science Foundation (DFG), offers 1 PhD Position in Forest Sciences,
specifically: Forest Monitoring and Applied Remote Sensing
,starting October 1, 2010.
This project is on scale issues in forest monitoring, specifically applied to the question of
forest definitions and forest classification from sample based field observations and remote
sensing image analysis; the title is “Scale issues in forest information procurement”.
The successful applicant holds a master degree in one of the fields like Forest Sciences,
Remote Sensing, Applied Statistics or Quantitative Ecology and has excellent skills and high
interest in quantitative methods applied to problems in forest sciences and related fields.
Literacy in Open Source software in statistics (R+) and image processing (GRASS) is an
advantage. Experience in computer programming, fluency in the English language and a well
developed intercultural competence is expected.
The highly interdisciplinary orientated Research Training Group aims at the solution of
current questions in the field of monitoring techniques for forest and other renewable natural
resources, and related areas of application. It distinguishes itself through a structured
graduation programme, joint supervision, and a study program consisting of methodologically
oriented lectures and interdisciplinary research seminars. For more information, please visit
our website
For more information, please visit our website
The position will start October 1, 2010, and is awarded for up to 3 years. The salary is in
accordance with the German state regulated public service salary scale (75 % E 13 TV-L).
The University of Göttingen actively seeks to foster career opportunities for female scholars
and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Candidates with disabilities who
are equally qualified for the position will receive special consideration.
Applications can be uploaded to the online form located at
June 30th, 2010. Full contact and application information can be found within the portal link.
The interviews are intended to take place 12 and 13 July, 2010.
For more information please contact
Prof. Christoph Kleinn (ckleinn* or Dr. Lutz Fehrmann (lfehrma*
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Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Bundesliga overtakes Premier League as world's most profitable
(Source: CNN) -- The German Bundesliga has overtaken the English Premier League as the most profitable in the world, according to financial analysts Deloitte.
Despite predicting that the Premier League's revenue will top $2.8 billion in the season just gone, Deloitte said clubs' profitability has more than halved between the 2007-08 season and the 2008-09 campaign.
Deloitte's annual review of football finance also showed that the total European football market grew to a record $19.3 billion in 2008-09.
According to Dan Jones, a partner in the firm's Sports Business Group, the reason the Bundesliga has leapfrogged the Premier League is due to its clubs' control of wages.
"The simplest measure to explain why the Bundesliga has overtaken the Premier League is that their clubs exercise more restraint over the wage bill," he told CNN.
"In the Premier League, the wages to revenue ratio is 67 percent, but it is just 51 percent in the Bundesliga. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the licensing of clubs is stricter in Germany in terms of the financial regulations they have to adhere to.
"Secondly, rather than being private enterprises under the control of an individual, like Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, clubs are under control of the fans.
"The clubs' fans are required to own 50 percent plus one of the shares -- with the exception of Wolfsburg and Bayer Leverkusen, who are owned by corporations."
Are English clubs worth the investment?
Jones said the Premier League should be "streets ahead" of its German counterpart in profitability, due to the huge television revenue it receives.
But Deloitte's figures show that although Premier League clubs managed to increase their revenue by three percent in 2008-09, operating profits were reduced from $267 million in 2007-08 to $114 million in 2008-09.
This is largely due to increased wage levels, with statistics revealing the $70 million increase in Premier League clubs' revenue was less than half the $190 million increase in wage costs.
Deloitte believes that trend cannot continue, but predicts the Premier League's new broadcast contracts will drive revenue up to over $3 billion in 2010-11.
Fans keep football afloat
So, why does football seem to be immune to the financial pressures being felt by many industries across the globe?
"Football has got an incredible amount of customer loyalty, which helps. A lot of clubs have been fairly good at freezing or cutting their prices," Jones said.
"It is a fairly accepted truth that live sports audiences are about as good as it gets for broadcasters. People will get together to watch it, it inspires those water-cooler moments.
"If you want live sports as a broadcaster then you're going to want the biggest sport in the world, and if you want the biggest league in the world then you want the Premier League."
'Spectacular mismanagement'
As for Portsmouth, who became the first club in Premier League history to sink into administration this season and were subsequently relegated, Jones thinks their situation was an anomaly.
"We see clubs get into difficulty because performance on the pitch is poor, with relegation and the like, but with Portsmouth actually performing well and winning an FA Cup, for them to be in this situation it has to be a fairly spectacular case of mismanagement."
Deloitte also warned that Premier League clubs would have make the necessary adjustments to their business plans to meet European governing body UEFA's target of becoming "break even" by 2013-14.
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Tuesday, 8 June 2010
How an Amazonian Tribe Is Mastering the Modern World
Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui spins the globe in front of him past Copenhagen, Bristol, and Washington. He loves playing on Google Earth, and hopping from one continent to another. It's become something of an addiction. I ask him what interests him about Bristol. "I don't know," he replies. "I'm just looking." The virtual Earth in front of him continues turning, and finally reaches Brazil, and here the 35-year-old chief, who was born on the floor of a hut in the rainforest, zooms in on a large green triangle surrounded by brown, the outlines sharp as if drawn with a ruler.
Forty-one years later, Chief Almir sits in a light green house at the site of that first contact. Today it is a suburb of the town of Cacoal on Highway BR-364 in the northwestern Brazilian state of Rondônia. The chief is a short, stocky man with small, lively eyes set in a head that rests like a boulder between his shoulders. In front of him sits a black miniature notebook. Behind him, on the wall, hangs an arrow decorated with feathers.
Internet, Google Earth, GPS
It is from here that he wages his battle against the deforestation of his homeland. His weapons of choice are the Internet, Google Earth, and GPS. He talks about satellite images, about the million trees he intends to plant, and the 16.4 million tons of carbon dioxide he wants to sell on the global emissions market.
The Surui will be soon be one of the first indigenous peoples that will be paid by the world to preserve its forest. They are being advised by investment bankers, lawyers, and managers. But the decisions will be all their own, taken at a gathering of 1,300 native Indios. Almir Surui believes his people need modernity to help them maintain their traditional way of life, that this is the only way they can save their forest, their culture, and their tribe. But because it is an experiment, the outcome is uncertain -- for both the Surui and the rest of the world.
The Amazon Basin contains 40 percent of the world's tropical rainforests. It is the Amazon which will first show whether the battle against deforestation and climate change can be won. And also what will happen if it is lost.
Just last year, 130,000 square kilometers of forest was cut down or burnt, at least 10,000 square kilometers of this in Brazil. That may be the lowest figure in decades, but it's still too much. Twenty percent of the Amazon rainforest has already disappeared. The same amount has been damaged. On a purely proportional scale, the greatest amount of forest has been lost in the state of Rondônia.
At Loggerheads with the Loggers
The Sete de Setembro reservation survived as a green wedge hemmed in by farms, villages, and roads. It survived because the Surui drove away settlers and loggers alike, strung iron chains across the roads, and moved their villages to better prevent encroachment into their reservation. But 2,428 square kilometers is too vast an area for 1,300 Indios to be able to guard constantly. The Surui lost 7 percent of their forest, but have saved 93 percent. Their's is the last area of forest in this part of Rondônia, in which 4,000 people still live off the logging industry.
We get into his pickup truck and he drives past gas stations, scrap yards, and hotels that let rooms by the hour. Eventually we see fields of soy beans, banana plantations, and black-and-white Friesian cows standing in fields full of charred tree stumps. "All this was once our land," he says modestly and quietly in soft Portuguese. He can't remember what it used to look like. After all, the forest was already gone when he left his village for the first time at the age of 14. Nor can he remember much about the fighting or his father, who helped drive the settlers out of the reservation -- he armed with a bow and arrow, they with guns. "I just remember the fear," Almir Surui says.
The fear is all that remains. People standing by the roadside stare as Almir's car drives past, and they look increasingly hostile the closer we get to the reservation. Many of them are loggers who used to live in the reservation. Three years ago the loggers and sawmill owners put a $100,000 bounty on his head, and the chief was forced to flee to the US.
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Monday, 7 June 2010
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Chemical Ecology
Company ETH Zurich, Applied Entomology
Workplace ETH Zurich
Description: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Chemical Ecology
Fruit tree volatiles influence behaviours of several associated insects. In many of these relationships, little is known on which natural volatile constituents mediate the behavioural effects, and which mechanisms underlie the bioactivity observed. The project will first address an early season pest, the apple blossom weevil, and then possibly proceed with mid-season pests. Recent findings with the apple blossom weevil indicate that a complex recombined synthetic blend attracts this curculionid in the laboratory. The goal is to gain a simplified yet highly bioactive blend, and to understand the effects of the single mixture constituents. Fully equipped biological and chemical laboratories are available as well as orchards with regular occurrence of this target insect. Expected findings should be both of basic and applied interest.
ETH Applied Entomology investigates insect-plant interactions, particularly as a basis for more sustainable pest and crop management. Main languages spoken are English and German.
Education PhD with experience in chemical ecology of insects (PhD in biology or chemistry, or related discipline)
Entrance upon October 1, 2010, or upon agreement
Duration of 1 year, with option for extension based on performance and
appointment opportunity
Remarks Review of applications will start later in June and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Send Curriculum Vitae, a list of methods you are familiar with, indication of the earliest possible starting date, as well as addresses with phone numbers of three references to Prof. Dr. Silvia Dorn.
Contact address Prof. Dr. Silvia Dorn
ETH Zurich / Applied Entomology
(Subject: Postdoc Chemical Ecology)
Schmelzbergstrasse 9 / LFO
CH-8092 Zurich
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Wednesday, 2 June 2010
PhD Opportunities In Goettingen University
The Centre of Statistics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is looking for 13 PhD positions in Statistics and their Applications (75% E 13 TV-L, 3 years)within the DFG Research Training Group 1644 "scale problems in of statistics.
The Centre has aimed to select team of highly interdisciplinary research group on application of statistical methods on agricultural economics, remote sensing, genetics, ecology and the econometrics. The Graduate School is characterized by a structured Doctoral program, interdisciplinary care teams, methodically interdisciplinary research-oriented lectures and seminars.
The following graduate school institutions and departments are involved:
1) Mathematical Stochastics (Schlather, storm,
2) Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (Brümmer, von Cramon-Taubadel)
3) Agroecology (Scherber, Tscharntke)
4) Genetic Epidemiology (Bickeböller)
5) Ecosystem modeling (Meyer, Wiegand)
6) Statistics and Econometrics (Sperlich)
7) Tiezucht (Simianer)
8) Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing (Kleinn)and
9) the Courant Research Center on Poverty, Inequality and Growth in developing countries (Krivobokova).
Master's or equivalent degree in Mathematics, statistics, genetics, forestry, ecology, economics, Animal husbandry or a related field, and a strong interest in
statistical methods and in interdisciplinary collaboration.
The positions will begin from 1 October 2010 for a period of up to 3 years. The University of Göttingen aims to increase women's representation in the areas in which women are underrepresented. Therefore, qualified women are highly encouraged to apply. People with disabilities are given preferences.
Deadline: 30 June 2010.
Applications can be sent through online
Interview: The interviews are expected to be taken on 12 and 13 July 2010.
For further information please contact
Prof. Dr. Martin Schlather (
(Disclaimer: This is just translation of Deutsche language with the aid of Google translator. It may not be correctly and rightly reflected the meaning of the announcement. So please see for detail information)
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D. Gautam