Santosh Ojha infront of Norte Dams (left) and inside Louvre Museum (Right)
Friday, 31 August 2007
Scenic Paris
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Wednesday, 29 August 2007

How can forest be managed sustainably after Sanghiya Sasan in
We have many achievements in CF, however still there are many problems and weaknesses in implementation. The weaknesses are from all corners, however major pies goes to Governmental organization. At the moment, I am not going to discuss who is responsible for deforestation and degradation of once rich forest resources, also not explaining about who should be given credit for restoration of greenery. The meaning of this short article is to discuss and open up the eyes of all concerned people to work immediately on the forest policy that matches with foreseeable federal system.
After the People’s movement II, we are going to held election for Constituent Assembly. All the revolutionaries’ forces (8 ruling parties) including other struggling parties and forces have agreed about Federal (Sanghiya) System. Almost all forces formally or informally agreed about the autonomous federal systems however it is still confusion about how many states would be there and how would they be demarcated. But, it has no doubt on that the nation is going to be decentralized, sooner or later, into several states. After CA election, when the country goes to federal system, the state would be provided with authorities to form state laws. Most probably all state would try to utilize its natural resources for the maximum benefits of their people. In this context, the conflicts might arise between states, also between present forest policies and proposed ones.
Especially in the Terai, where most valuable and commercial forests exist, there is going to be big conflicts between present forestry rules and regulation, and proposed one. In the Terai, however there is only few percentage of forests, have been handed over to community, majority of terrain origin people (“Madhesis”) are not included. With the present forms of CF, however undoubtedly it is successful in protection and management aspects, excludes lots of Madhesi people on the background of their physical distance from forest. They are in many cases not considered even secondary users. This prohibits the utilization of forest resources for their day to day needs.
At the present scenario of political parties focusing their vote banks, they do not want to loose their votes (Madhesi vote) in the terai due to their exclusion from forest. At that time, when Terai state government is given authority to formulate Forest Policy and Act within their territory, will they make the same act giving high priority to Community forestry or they will make some contradicting laws? There is high possibility of making laws contradicting with the norms and values of Community forestry in the name of mass inclusion. At that time, anyone can guess that there would be big conflict with distance users and Community forest users. These conflicts could destroy the forests in big scale. Once this left over forest in terai destroys, it is hard to recover. Not only the forest but also the forest land would be converted into agricultural lands or in settlements. Due to these several environmental, social and ecological problems would arise.
Similarly we would have different but threatening problems in Himalayan region (state) too.
We have to face big challenges in near future. During first few years of transition period, all concerned authorities, governmental and non governmental including civil society, need to be well prepared to save this already highly deforestated and degraded forest resources.
Until now, it has not been seen and heard any preparation from governmental and non governmental organization to face such a big and clearly visible challenge. It has already been late to work together to protect our valuable forestry resources. If all concerned fall in deep sleep as we are seeing nowadays, the forest would be the story of past memory only. Therefore, all concerned should think and plan about our forestry resources and their sustainable management according to our changing political scenario. All political parties (8 ruling parties, other parties including Madhesi Janadhikar Forum etc), Ministry of forests and Soil Conservation (including all its departments), I/NGOs, FECOFUN, civil societies all should work immediately about this. Therefore, I would like to request all to work in these aspects and provide their valuable opinions about forest management in the restructuring of new
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Monday, 27 August 2007
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Eiffel Tower : The wonder !
The first and second levels are accessible by stairs and lifts. A ticket booth at the south tower base sells tickets to use the stairs which begin at that location. On the first platform, the stairs continue up from the east tower. The third level summit is only accessible by lift. Once you are on the first or second platform, the stairs are open for anyone to ascend or descend regardless if you have purchased a lift ticket or stair ticket.
Maintenance of the tower includes applying 50 to 60 tons of tones of paint every seven years to protect it from rust.
Upon the Nazi occupation of Paris in 1940, the lift cables were cut by the French so that Hitler would have to climb the steps to the summit. The parts to repair them were allegedly impossible to obtain because of the war, though they were working again within hours of the departure of the Nazis. In 1940 Nazi soldiers had to climb all the way to the top to hoist the swastika from the top, but the flag was so large it blew away just a few hours later, and they had to go back up again with a smaller one. Hitler chose to stay on the ground. A Frenchman scaled the tower during the German occupation to hang the French flag. In August 1944, when the Allies were nearing Paris, Hitler ordered General Dietrich von Choltitz, the military governor of Paris, to demolish the tower along with the rest of the city. Von Choltitz disobeyed the order because he did not want to go down in history as the man who destroyed Paris.
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Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Goettengeli Nepalese Samaj interacted with UML Gen. Secretary
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Monday, 20 August 2007
UML Generaly secretary opined CA election is must
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Sunday, 19 August 2007
UML General Secretary is in Frankfurt

The interaction programme is going to be held in Frankfurt in Hotel EVEREST on 19 August from 2 pm.
All nepalese and Nepal's well wisher are heartly invited there.
The General Secretary on UML has been accompanied by Bhim Rawal, the central committee member and former minister of same party.
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Monday, 13 August 2007
Let's join hand to help flood victims
As we all know, this monsoon has been devatating for the South Asian people. More than 25 million people have been displaced and worsely affected by the floods. India, Bangladesh and Nepal have been the center of devastation.
Lots of people lots their lifes (around 100 in Nepal alone), properties and lands. They are spending needy life nowadays.
In this junture of sorrows, we Goettengeli people are collecting fund to assist the affected people. All the nepalese and nepalese well wisher are asked for the supports what they can provide.
We will be indebted to those who could provide their supports nomatter how much they could provide. Not only the monetrary supports but also moral supports would be highly appreciated. The name of donor would be posted in the blog and other nepalese news sites.
Until now, all nepalese family residing Goettingen contributed 20 € x10=200€ and Ajaya Kunwar (30€). Altogether, we could manage 230€ nearly equivalent to 22 thousands nepalese rupees. That might be small amount but with that small amount, we are sending our sentiment of harmony and helping eachother at the time of need.
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Friday, 3 August 2007
Govt makes National Anthem public
KATHMANDU, Aug 3 - The government on Friday made public the new National Anthem of Nepal.
Amidst a special function in parliament in the presence of dignitaries, the new National Anthem – penned by poet Byakul Maila and composed by veteran musician and lyricist Amber Gurng – was made public.
Speaker Subhas Nembang flicked the switched to make the new National Anthem officially public.
The National Anthem Selection Task Team (NASTT) had selected poet Byakul Maila's song -- Sayaun Thunga Phoolka Hami Eutai Mala Nepali -- as the new National Anthem of Nepal on November 30 last year.
A meeting of the Council of Ministers Wednesday finalised the tune composed by veteran musician and lyricist Amber Gurung for the new National Anthem.
Out of the six compositions presented – three by Gurung, one by Nhyu Bajracharya and one each by the Nepal Police and Nepal Army – the Council of Ministers asserted Gurung’s tune the best for the National Anthem.
Singers Yam Baral, Gyanu Rana, Bimala Rai, Rajesh Payal Rai, Sunita Subba, Anju Panta, Ajay Thapa, Anil Man Maharjan, Ganga Neupane, Chanda Dewan, Jayananda Lama, Bhuma Limbu, Narayan Oli, Benuka Rai, Rajendra Man Shrestha, Ram Gurung, Rina Bhusal, Rupa Jha, Shishir Yogi and Srijana Shrestha have rendered their voices to the New National Anthem.
The music for the national anthem has been arranged by Sarad Gurung.
The restored House of Representatives in its May 18 House Proclamation had declared the earlier National Anthem null and void.
Since then, the country was sans a National Anthem.
The NASTT had held a number of interaction programmes across the country to seek suggestions about the new National Anthem.
The previous national anthem (Shreeman Gambhir Nepali Prachanda Pratapi Bhupati) music composed by Bakhatbir Budhapirthi and written by Chakrapani Chalise was adopted in 1899.
The previous national anthem had widely been criticized as it was just a melody praising the monarchy.
The first two lines of the new National Anthem read as follows:
'Sayaun Thunga Phoolka Hami Eutai Mala Nepali
Sarvabhaum Bhai Phailiyeka Mechi Mahakali...'
(From hundreds of flowers, we are one garland Nepali
Sovereign we are spread across Mechi Mahakali)
In napali
राष्ट्रिय गान
सयौं थूंगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भइ फैलिएका, मेची-महाकाली ।
प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरुका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल
ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल ।
बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल ।
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Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Mahabir's : our pride's some works
The magsaysay prize winner Mahabir Pun has changed his remote village by connecting his poor and remote village to the world with wireless internet.
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