At the Buesgen Institute - Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical
Ecosystems, University of Goettingen, Germany we offer the positions of:
2 PhD Students (0,65 TV-L E 13) in Soil Science/Ecology
beginning May 2010 for three years. The successful candidates will
work on the project: ‘Trace gas fluxes and soil N cycling under elevated nutrient input’. This research project is part of the
interdisciplinary research unit 816 ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable
Management of a Megadiverse Mountain Ecosystem in South Ecuador
( which is funded by the DFG.
Supervision will be done jointly by Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp and Dr.
Marife Corre.
Project description: The first PhD student will determine the
long-term fates of added nitrogen in montane and lowland forest soils
exposed to chronic N addition. For this goal we plan to use the 15N
pool dilution method and a 15N pulse chase experiment. The second PhD
student will quantify the effects of chronic N addition on the surface
fluxes of N2O, NO, CO2, and CH4 from the montane forest soils and other
sources. All three sites of the forest nutrient addition experiment
are located in Southern Ecuador where they were established in 2007
and are near to good laboratory/research/housing facilities.
Applicants should hold a M.Sc. or diploma degree in soil science,
ecology, environmental sciences, geosciences, forestry, biology or
related disciplines. The successful candidates are expected to be in
Ecuador for prolonged periods to carry out research works with regular
visits to the home institution for discussions/data analysis/writing.
Excellent knowledge of English is essential. Basic knowledge of
Spanish or willingness to learn it is necessary. Good social skills
are essential to work effectively with our multi-national and multi-
disciplinary team. More information about our institute can be found
Please send your application the latest on 08.04.2010 to:
Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp
Buesgen Institute -Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems
Buesgenweg 2
37077 Goettingen, Germany
Die Universitaet Goettingen strebt in den Bereichen in denen Frauen
unterrepraesentiert sind, eine Erhoehung des Frauenanteils an und
forert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.
Schwerbeninderte Menschen werden bei eintsprechender Eignung
bervorzugt beruecksichtigt.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
2 Ph.D. position on Soil Science
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